Laura Flanders is the host of The Laura Flanders Show currently in development for public television. She was the host and founder of GRITtv with Laura Flanders, a nationally syndicated daily program on Free Speech TV and the host of The Laura Flanders Show and RadioNation on Air America Radio. She is a contributor to the Naiton and the author of the New York Times best-seller, BUSHWOMEN: Tales of a Cynical Species (Verso, 2004) and Blue GRIT: True Democrats Take Back Politics from the Politicians  (Penguin Press, 2007.)  She is a regular contributor to MSNBC and she has appeared on shows from Real Time with Bill Maher to The O'Reilly Factor.

Flanders is the editor of the At the Tea Party...(October 2010, OR books.)

Before joining Air America when it launched in March 2004, Laura hosted the award-winning " Your Call," Monday-Friday, on public radio, KALW, 91.7 fm in San Francisco.

She was founding director of the Women's Desk at the media watch group, FAIR and for more than ten years she produced and hosted CounterSpin, FAIR's nationally-syndicated radio program.

Shie is also the author of Real Majority, Media Minority; the Cost of Sidelining Women in Reporting (Common Courage Press, 1997) about which Susan Faludi wrote, "If only there were a hundred of her." Katha Pollitt called it "Funny, angry, factfilled and brilliant."

For more information go to http://.grittv.org.